Spiritual Secrets
Spiritual Secrets
Awareness of Divine Awareness

Awareness of Divine Awareness

Podcast Meditation Guide

Serious Soldiers versus Spiritual Sages

Even though the world is mired in the muck and the mud of worldwide chaos, we’re also nearing a new Golden Age of Spirituality on Earth.

The downtrodden population looks outwards with fearful anxiety at the viruses, the wars, the poverty, and the growing rash of totalitarian countries.

At the same time, millions of spiritually minded souls are blissfully enjoying their meditation and their spiritual lifestyle.

Are you looking outwards or inwards?

Are you training to become a serious soldier, or a spiritual sage?

Are you trying to win a military war, or are you simply trying to find your bliss?

The choice is yours. Choose wisely!


Meditate with a Certitude of Divine Awareness

As spiritually minded seekers, we need to develop faith in the spiritual path.

We also need to find a meditation practice that works for us. We need to find a cultivation practice that warms our hearts and electrifies our souls.

The right practice in combination with a certitude of divine awareness will empower our spiritual progress.

In future newsletters we’ll explore a variety of meditation practices so that you can find the best way to rev up your spiritual lifestyle.

In the meantime, please enjoy the attached meditation guide.

Spiritual Secrets
Spiritual Secrets
An exploration of precious & sad truths about spiritually minded paths and people. Meditation guides and tips on How to Reach Spiritual Enlightenment and Celestial Consciousness.
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Greg Leveille